Archive for the ‘Justice’ Category

God Save America

Me and my fellow murderers, psychopaths, hate mongers,

deranged fantasists and obscene attention seekers able to count

on self-fulfilling media coverage, wish to thank the NRA for their

unwavering support, allowing us to live our dreams and defend

ourselves against despicable monsters like fellow students, toddlers,

Catholics, Jews, Blacks, Latinos, or in general people with an accent,

or people who are brighter, work harder, have more success, and all

those others whose face we cannot stand.


Because the NRA understands that the gun is our brain, just like it is theirs,

especially the semi-automatic one. And that no regulation will stop us, for as

long as we can just borrow one, except when the oppressor cleverly bans

not the gun, but the bullet. In which case I guarantee you bullet trafficking will

outdo drug trafficking within months.


With the NRA’s unconditional support we have averaged the elimination of

30.000 enemies a year, over the past decade. But with help and devotion

there is no reason we cannot vastly improve on this number.


So God bless the morally corrupt and certifiably insane, because we have

what it takes.


Testimonial signed and agreed on between


Anthony Steyning & pals

Blatant Russian Logic


The defence of the young man who had killed both his parents argued

that he had become a poor orphan and so did not need to be punished,

but protected and consoled.


Mr Putin in defence of Mr Assad, who killed a quarter of a million men,

women and children and made refugees out of ten times as many, argues

that the only one who can stop the killing is poor Mr Assad, who does not

need to be punished but instead is in need of urgent assistance and care.



The Russian has never done it, making sure he is always wronged.

(brutal, complex ridden, waving ICBMs, naturally)

So huge military parades an absolute must.

Putin, owner of primitive impulses, is addicted to pride, in fact he has it for sale,

a dealer, getting everyone at home hooked on it. Too bad he’s un-addicted to truth,

for on one end national pride is a convenient weapon, but on the other a tool of

manipulated tyranny over its own people, with disavowal often considered treason

and punishable by liquidation.

By the way, Mr Putin, Russia is not under any threat, NATO not there to attack

anyone, but invited in to protect small nations that for 60 years were forced to live

in your hell, and saying ‘Never Again’.

Is that so hard to understand? What would you do, had you been born in Warsaw or Prague?

Anyway, we all know that exaggerated patriotism is the expression of a fundamental lack of individual self-esteem.

And of course the last refuge of the scoundrel.

Lose Badly And Ye Shall Win!


The Palestinians complain that unless they attack, nothing happens for years,

nobody paying attention to them, and a sort of condescending and highly patronising,

Israeli occupying de facto colonialism sets in, for maybe 50 years or more.



And they are right. This seems to suit among others the Likud party, just fine.



So the Palestinians will attack and attack, even though they haven’t a hope in hell to

defeat an Israel screaming bloody murder, and never failing to grossly over-react.

To wit, 2000 Gaza civilian deaths and total obliteration of its structures over what

started as the idiotic, cruel murder of 3 of its teenagers by rogue Palestinian nationalists.

The added rockets also seem to do little, except to help Israel cry wolf.


All of which is provoking worldwide condemnation of Israel, and may lead to painful

 isolation, and, believe it or not ultimately drive it towards a meaningful, not cosmetic,

peace effort leading to a free Palestinian State.


So don’t expect today’s fires to dwindle any time soon. And let’s see who the really smart ones are.

High Provincialism vs the Universal


Breakfast-prayer Conservatives are against Universal Healthcare, because

they are feral individualists incapable of accommodation, with personal rights

to the Gospel.


They say Social Care leads to godless Socialism, so that understandably God forbids it

and they must fight it..


Talk about circular, pocket book caressing reasoning, that is if one can call it reasoning.






Mrs Confucius say:


You may call my cunt a pussy, but never, ever call my cat a cunt!


Soldier’s Ire

In Africa, civil or otherwise, war is defined as the sad situation whereby people who don’t know each other at all, will kill each other on behalf of those who know each other well!


And can you imagine a cruel, crazy French president giving orders to bomb large parts of Paris to destroy the ‘enemy’, simply because he is no longer tolerated? Too insane to contemplate, isn’t it? Yet that is what is happening in Damascus and Aleppo, because pilots in Syria don’t think twice before stepping into their cockpits and bomb their own brothers, sisters and their lovely kids to death. Then fly back to pick up a medal or two, have tea and eat their falafel before picking up their own child from kindergarten, with a smile.


“Daddy’s back, little Ahmed! Did you have fun today?”


It is a known dictum that pilots, like soldiers, are paid not to think. It was so in Japan and in Germany not long ago. It still is so in Syria, where primitives bomb their own with glee it seems and upon demand. But no longer in Ukraine where his personal guards abandoned a morally corrupt president, and the army and police made it known they would ignore his demands if asked to slaughter innocents to keep him on top.


So then let there be this warning to hungry autocrats and blinkered generals: think twice and abandon force as a political tool, be inclusive whatever the conflict is and deal with it effectively and peacefully, for in ever larger parts of the world the days of the non-thinking soldier is over, one who no longer shoots when you say so, whether you like it or not and indirectly, by not shooting becoming the real ruler of the realm.  


Flying low

The saddest of all ironies is that we can teach a 12th century primitive to pilot a Boeing 787, but not for him not to execute his sister after she walks home alone.




Does it not occur to those Taliban who ordered the assassination of a 14 year old girl for having insulted Islam, that the greatest insult to Islam… is them!?




When, after the French Revolution, Robespierre was asked why he cut the heads of the Ancien Régime by Guillotine, his simple answer was I didn’t know where to hang them.


Download Anthony Steyning’s E-Novel: A Kiss by the Clowns